Summer Seminar

july 15 - 20

Join us for a week long evening seminar covering the basics of Aikido

footwork striking

balance throws

   ukemi grappling

Saturday AM class will cover the basics of swordsmanship, and will be followed by a picnic. 

Meiwakan Aikido offers a unique view of Aikido, especially rare in the United States, and this seminar represents an opportunity to experience and train in it fully for one week. The course will cover the fundamentals established by Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan, further developed and passed through his uchi-deshi, Mickaël Martin, to Wesley Clawson, the head instructor of Meiwakan Aikido in the United States. 

The course will mainly cover empty hand techniques throughout the week, with an introductory weapons course on Saturday AM.


Mon - Fri

7 - 9 PM


10 AM - 12 PM
2 PM - 4 PM

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early in order to help setup and change. 


Full Seminar - $100

Single Evening - $25

Saturday - $50

Half Saturday - $15